The fixation around breasts is not just all about the media and ideals. I believe it all starts of with the fact that we guys and girls are simply breastfed as babies. We all associate breasts with life. Guys on the other hand have yet another agenda. It´s said that the easiest and fastest way to get a girl "wet" is by stimulating the clitoris and the breasts at the same time, of course there are other ways, but in general this is true. Guys like big breasts, not because they see it in magazines or on television, they find interest in breasts for the natural reasons intercourse and insemination (wether they like it ore not). The girls in other hand find the breasts feminine and motherly, not directly sexual. But in a sexual situation/relation the girl of course like to have her breasts fondled, the breasts become a part of the sexual act and a factor of sexual stimulation. Girls clearly knows that guys love breasts, but do not forget, the size does not matter. Any way, the girls knows what the boys like, so they want bigger breasts (to get more attention). The media probably in some way have something to do with how young men and women relate to breasts nowadays. But i still firmly believe that it all comes down to the fact, today it´s "natural" to wan´t bigger breasts. Bigger, faster, better, more… That´s how everything evolves in our society today and have for the last 200 years. Breasts are no exception. I mean, who dons´t know that girls talk about the guys penis and it´s size…. Well, thats a whole other story. Enjoy breasts, butts and bodys in all sizes!  But don´t make babies, the earth can´t take it!



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